Mike Peters is a pioneer and master Jib Operator with more than 25 years experience. He has trained most of the network Jib Operators in the Washington DC area in the craft of operating a boom. He has many clients and protégés. Mike is a highly sought after Jib Operator as he is able to deliver more intricate and complex shots. He is constantly challenged to find new ways to “…get the shot.” No diva here. Mike is super easy to work with and is always collaborative on set.
He has worked on a variety of different shows and sporting events such as: Super Bowl XXXIV in Atlanta, GA, America’s Most Wanted, The Lost Symbol, BET on Jazz Channel, ABC Monday Night Football, IHRA Drag Racing, Hall and Oates Tour, America on Tour, Phat Jam, Air Supply, Kenny Loggins, Doobie Brothers, Joe Cocker, Heart, Train, One Republic, Glenn Frey, Joe Walsh, Sheryl Crow, Foreigner, and most recently the 2018 Stanley Cup Playoffs.
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